30-Day Fitness & Erg Challenge!



Official start date: Monday, May 6th As the Spring season is on the way, I'm thrilled to introduce an exciting opportunity exclusively for master rowers: a 30-Day Fitness & Erg Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you elevate your fitness/strength game and achieve your goals both on and off the water. Here's what you can expect from the challenge: A daily strength exercise: An exercise that has a specific focus that you can add to your exercise regimen tailored for rowers, aimed at improving your strength and overall fitness. Erging workouts: Let's see how many meters we can collectively row in 30 days. Specifically designed workouts for the challenge. Add these workouts into your routine to enhance your rowing technique, endurance, and power. Nutrition Guidance: Receive valuable fitness nutrition tips and advice to fuel your body for optimal performance and recovery. Weekly Live Q&A Sessions: Join me live once a week for interactive Q&A sessions, where you can ask me anything related to fitness, rowing, nutrition, or wellness. If you can't join live, the replay will be available during the entire challenge in a PRIVATE Facebook group. You can post a question in the comments section of the replay and it will still be answered. This challenge is designed to be accessible to all fitness levels, whether you're a seasoned rower or just starting out. Plus, by participating in a supportive community of fellow rowers, you'll stay motivated and inspired throughout the 30 days with daily posts for accountability. Let's make the most out of these 30 days and crush our fitness goals together! I can't wait to embark on this journey with you.